24 September 2011

. Prologue .


a. An event or a series of events participated in or lived through.
b. The totality of such events in the past of an individual or group.

Life has indeed given me so many rich experiences which I know have contributed to the kind of person that I am today. Good or bad, happy or sad - these events have taught me inspiring lessons which can never be seen on tv nor read on books. 

There's no perfect life and there will never be one. Challenges and problems will always be there. These are simply the most important ingredients to help us become better and stronger persons. Never avoid them. Cliche as it may sound but learn to face your fears. No one will fight this battle other than you. 

My purpose in involving myself in this kind of experience (blogging) is not just to take note of those interesting and breath taking details in my life, but also to share and let others have a taste of what my journey is all about. 

Enjoy the ride. :)

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